
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mary Did You Know? Yes, yes she did.

Being so very pregnant as Christmas approaches makes one think. Mary was this big and uncomfortable, riding around on a donkey and sleeping in crowded inns and eventually a stable. She did not have the six (yes SIX) pillows I use to sleep somewhat comfortably at night. Or the weekly Chiropractor visits that have saved my sanity. Poor woman.

But as I've felt close to Mary and so blessed in all that I have, I can't help but think about that popular Chirstmas song, "Mary Did You Know?" Because you know what? Of course she knew! While we've been reading about everything second hand via the bible, Mary had an actual angel show up and explain everything. I mean, that seems pretty in the know.

"Mary did you know, that your baby boy would someday walk on water?" She might not have known specifically what Christ was going to do during His ministry on earth, but she knew darn well that He was the Son of God and was the key to salvation.

Here's the thing, she knew all of that. She knew all about why He was being born and to what end. But you know what that angel probably didn't tell her? I bet that Gabriel said nothing about the stress and pressure that came with normal parenting, let alone doing right by the Prince of Peace. I bet the angel made no mention of sleepless nights or the crippling anxiety of wondering if you're making the best choices for your little one.

Just think of it this way, this is Mary's first baby. How many times did you google things your baby was doing to see if it was normal? Mary had no google. And to top it off, she had to ask herself, "Is this a normal baby/toddler thing? Or a Son of God thing?" Can you imagine knowing that this little guy of yours has to be perfect to save all of mankind, and since you're just a normal (albeit very special) woman who gets tired and exasperated and frustrated at her husband for leaving his carpenter tools just laying around for the baby to cut himself on... What if you are the one who does something that causes Him to mess up?

Obviously, I'm imposing my own high levels of anxiety and neuroses on Mary. But part of me can't help but believe that Mary was given an amazing gift and a huge responsibility that must've weighed on her far past that night she had to give birth in a stable. (And we worry about giving birth in our cars, which can sometimes resemble a stable depending on how tidy our children are.)

Mary did you know? You betcha she did. And I tip my parenting hat off to her. Now I must google mouth rashes. I don't know if this is normal...

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